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Abraham Vazquez Vallado


My parents named me Abraham, and although I identify with this name, over the years it has felt increasingly distant from my own core. Have you experienced the same with your name? The act of naming is an action of one’s own will to create; of the word as an act of manifestation. It is vibration, it is truth. It resonates in me, it resonates in you, it creates or destroys the possibility of an ‘us.’

We name what we do not know to make it our own, to signify it as part of our own story, to present it alive to life itself.

My name is not as important as the work I do. If I have to call myself in some way, I decided more than ten years ago to call myself PresenciaMomento (PresentMoment) without surnames, to remind myself that the only past that represents me is the instant that has just passed behind these letters that you leave as you read, and I thank you for your time.

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